See How to convert from subversion to git by Paul Dowman. When you use git-svn to clone a subversion repository to git, it converts svn tags to git remote branches. This behavior makes sense if you will continue to use the svn repository. However for permanent conversion I prefer converting them to git tags. The […]
Source code management for personal projects
After hearing all the buzz about distributed version control systems (DVCS), I was curious if they offered advantages over subversion for personal code management. The answer is a resounding yes, and I see no reason to ever go back. I considered three candidates: git, mercurial (hg), and bazaar-ng (bzr).
Unit Testing with Boost.BuildV2/bjam
The official documentation neglects to mention that you must import the testing module for any of the testing rules to work. I put ‘using testing ;’ in my user-config.jam. I had no trouble with the ‘unit-test’ rule, which has the same syntax as ‘exe’ but also runs the program and checks the exit status. However […]
Using vim like an IDE
I’ve been using The NERD tree for a file list and minibufexpl for tab-like buffer management. To close a buffer, select it in minibufexpl and hit the ‘d’ key. If you want to remap the :bd command so it does the same thing, check out these tips – otherwise :bd will delete the whole window, […]
SDL Windowed Fullscreen (no mouse trapping)
The fullscreen display mode in SDL traps the mouse on one X display, which can be undesirable if you are running dual head with separate X screens and using SDL for something other than games. UPDATE: An even easier way of doing this is passing SDL_NOFRAME to SDL_SetVideoMode with width and height set to the […]
make alternative for small C/C++ projects
Lately I’ve found maintaining Makefiles tedious, even for small projects. Much can be done with implicit rules, but header file dependencies must still be specified manually (or so I though – more on this later). For a small project, maybe you only have five or so of these rules. However there is no reason to […]
Blocking Facebook ads in Firefox using AdBlock Plus Look at the comments also. I used*(social_ad) and*(sponsors) – blocking the entire sidebar_ads messed up the horizontal alignment.
OpenWRT working on Buffalo WHR-G125 router
OpenWRT for the Buffallo WHR-G125 is listed as Work-In-Progress, with no install or config information on the wiki. However I just verified that the latest X-Wrt Kamakazi brcm-2.4 snapshots work, including wireless. WRT treats the left-most port, labeled “1”, as the WAN port instead of the “Internet” port, which I think is switched with the […]
Recovering PPP password from Actiontec GT701
I have an Actiontec GT701 router for my Qwest DSL internet, and in the web-interface it masks the PPP password. Now I want to use the actiontec as a bridge and run PPPoE on my Buffalo WHR-G125 running Tomato, and I can’t find my PPP password anywhere. Here’s how I recovered my password: