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Archive of posts tagged python

Installing Python 2.6 in Sidux/Debian/Ubuntu

Install Build Requirements If you have the appropriate deb-src entries in your sources.list files, then you can do this: apt-get build-dep python2.5 Replace 2.5 with the default version in your distro. Unfortunatly in sidux this wanted to install emacs (NEVAR!!!!) and remove my password manager (the unstable repo has been changing rapidly since the new […]

Installing Python 2.6 in CentOS 5 (or RHEL5)

CentOS 5 uses python 2.4, and replacing it is not really on option since yum and other core packages depend on it. My solution is to compile 2.6 and use /opt or /usr/local for the prefix. I also create a virtualenv with the new python executable, so when I’m in the environment 2.6 becomes the […]